Service Dog Thank You Cards

20 11 2019

Nice people should get thank you cards.

It’s a thing I believe. And I just so happen to like making thank you cards, so this works out for everyone 😀

I’ve had these designed for a while, but finally had time to sit down and put them together. It took a medical intervention to create the time lol. I’m at the sleep clinic with one of my daughters, so I was able to put the cards together while I wait with her. It’s been a LONG sleep study. We’re doing overnight and nap monitoring…I’m pretty sure we’ll head out by evening though 🙂

In the mean time, a dozen cards were finished and my blog updated. They didn’t turn out how I designed them – my printer ran out of blue ink, but I made it work, because I have some people to get these out to 🙂 If you’re one of our donors – THANK YOU SO MUCH! JJ’s so tickled by your willingness to help him. He even cried a little. You guys are making a little boy so very very happy. These cards are for you ❤️

Thanks for stopping by!


And as always, if you feel it in your heart to donate, or if you want to  see more of JJ’s story, here’s the link to our donation page.

Craft Project 1


Preemptive Thank You

27 08 2017

If you’ve read the last few entries on my blog, you know I’m pretty nervous (an understatement) about my 5yo starting kindergarten – it’s not the normal nervous.

With his history, we understand why change is hard, but that doesn’t make the process easier. So, I made a small batch of 3×3 cards pop-up cards. I plan to send one each Friday to tell his teacher thank you.

I still have to think of something cute to send the principal and the guidance counsellor – also, a preemptive thank you and just a regular thank you for all the help they’ve already given me.

Here’s the collection of cards to use for his teacher. It’s a little thank you for a big job 🙂


I went a little pop-up cray-cray. I upgraded to the Silhouette’s 4.1 (and some other numbers, but I think those two are the important ones right now). It has a new feature that allows easier design of pop-up cards. I’m a little obsessed with it 😉 I also think, it would have been easier to start on bigger cards instead of these little ones, but it all worked out 🙂

Thanks for stopping by! And don’t forget to say thank you to the people in your life 🙂

Tea cups, swan, tags


A Card For the Baby Shower Gift

24 06 2017

I was excited to remember I had a file for a card with an umbrella and I thought it would go well with the umbrella gift bag. I changed it up a bit, used the same color scheme and some of the papers from the gift so they’re coordinated 🙂

Thanks for stopping by!


Card, Butterfly, CA Digital Kit (for some of the papers), Blue paper, Green paper

Of Storms and Father’s Day

23 06 2017

We had some strong storms come through this past weekend. We lost power for a few hours. This always scares me. We have a couple of salt water aquariums that together equal over 200 gallons, then there’s the sump which has even more water (filtration and heating the water happen here). Without power, we can’t heat or circulate the water, and our small oceans may die. But after the power came back on, we were still without internet for a few more days. I’m finally getting some things back on track 🙂

So. Father’s Day. Even with the storms, it was nice to celebrate with my daddy and also thank my husband for the awesome men they are.

My daddy’s card: my parents RV. I’m a little jealous. I want to trade places with them sometimes, but I don’t think they’d let me 😉 Since a lot of us were together this weekend, I took advantage of that and secretly had everyone sign his card before giving it to him 🙂

For my husband: We went with the baseball theme 🙂 I used vinyl on this cute…I’m not sure what to call this, but I found it at Hobby Lobby 🙂 and then, a box card (I kind of really love box cards).

A little background: the last few years have been kind of tough. We seem to be in reactionary mode most of the time. I’m so over reactionary mode. This quote reminded me I don’t necessarily need to be passive. I don’t have to wait for something to happen. I can take steps to stop or limit some of these things and I can come out swinging when I need to.

It’s hard to tell in the picture, but the baseball has some 3D action going on. And the box card has a family picture on it. I wanted something he could easily take to work if he wanted.

RV Card, Swing saying, Baseball Border, Camera box card, Baseball, Father’s Day Saying