Query Letter

31 08 2012

I may actually have one 😀

Now, to figure out what to do with it. Right now I feel kind of like a dog chasing a car. I just caught the dang thing, now what?

Luckily, I have some ideas 😉

Did it!

14 08 2012

I reached and exceeded my cycling goal today! 1306.87 is my total for the year so far 🙂

Need to set a new goal, there’s still more riding time 😉

Kids go back to school soon, so the riding time will shorten, but I still get to do it, so I’m good. Furthest ride this year remains 60 miles, but I’m doing between 40-50 regularly during the week. Still intend to do 75 for the MS ride in September – so looking forward to it!

And…I’ve been editing, too 🙂