30 11 2021

In the last post, I mentioned the one fundraiser I was able to put together. It’s Christmas ornaments 🙂

I have 24 designs for you to choose from. Half are pet themed, the other half are snarky ’21 themed. They can be ordered in JJ’s Magic Store on his fundraising page here:

JJ’s Magic Store

They’re $10 each, which includes a keepsake box and shipping.

And ALL proceeds go to Paws 4 Autism, to help us keep providing wonderful dogs to wonderful people, and help us get closer to our fundraising goal.

Let me know if you have any questions, and as always, please feel free to share ❤

Ornament preview 👇🏻


Alta and JJ


29 11 2021

The last half of 2021 has been HARD you guys. We’ve lost four family members since the beginning of October. Six people total, if we include friends, since July.

I’ve had these great ideas for fundraising…most of the supplies are still sitting on the rocking chair ten feet from me. But here we are at Giving Tuesday and I haven’t been able to pull much of it together.

So, if you would consider us for a donation on Giving Tuesday (or any other time) we’d appreciate it.

Paws 4 Autism is a not for profit group that trains and places special dogs with special people. We rely completely on the fundraising efforts of our member families to continue providing dogs to families that make some of the biggest differences you may NEVER see.

For instance, you may not see my son have a panic attack when he’s in new and unfamiliar situations. You may not see another of my sons melt down in the hall at church.

What you’ll probably see is a bond between these pups and their people that looks sweet, but is just so much more than that.

We were lucky. Bandit and JJ matched while we were fostering Bandit during training. This allowed JJ to find his dog much sooner than we expected, but we haven’t met our fundraising goal yet. What that means, though, is that ALL of the money we raise, goes back into the program and is directly responsible for helping more families find that missing piece that makes all the difference in their quality of life.

All funds raised this holiday season will be matched (uptown $2,000 per family) by a generous donor. It’s an amazing opportunity to make any donations we receive go twice as far.

If you want to make a straight donation, that can be done on JJ’s page, here:

JJ’s Donation page

BUT, I will also have a holiday ornament fundraiser featuring pet themed sayings as well as snarky sayings for 2021, so please watch for that.

Thanks for stopping by, and please, feel free to share so we can try to get this opportunity in front of as many eyes as possible this holiday season ❤


Alta and JJ