Why I Create

I was asked this question recently and it took me a minute to figure it out.

There’s a few reasons; I love the process of creating, it’s freeing. I love the joy of surprising someone with a handmade card or 3D project.

But most of all, I create because it’s who I am. It’s part of me. It’s been with me since I was at least eight years old. I remember being so frustrated that my mind could break down an image and I could see the individual lines, but I couldn’t get my little eight year old hands to draw what I saw. I may have thrown the pencil across the room…

My dad reminded me that I was *only* eight and would need to practice. I’ve been practicing ever since.

Recently, I started fundraising for Paws 4 Autism, a grassroots non-profit helping to get service dogs into people and families that need them most, like children with autism or those living with PTSD. Most of the projects you see on my blog can be purchased through a donation to the organization. For info on how to do that, just reach out to me through the contact button.


4 responses

16 03 2012

🙂 good work

6 11 2012

You have also gotten really close…

20 08 2017

What a lovely man your dad is, with great advice. So glad you persevered. I too couldn’t live without my creative endeavours.

20 08 2017

Thank you. I think so, too 🙂

Those creative endeavors let me see the world in so many different ways. It would be like living in black and white instead of color 🙂

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