It Worked!

11 01 2018

In my last blog post, I shared the need I have to vinyl all the things right now.

I’m still at it 😉

I’ve been trying to figure out placements and sizes of things on shirts. Specifically, a V-neck shirt for me.

I’m still working on that 😉 Although there are great guides out there, I’m not standard issue. I’m fun size 😉 but due to medical issues I’m like an extra value fun size.

So today, instead of working on the V-neck (because I don’t have anymore and we had a “winter event” that closed things down) I moved on to round neck and a saying that I’ve LOVED for quite a while.

This is the first “grown up” shirt I’ve been happy with. I think the size and placement finally came together for me. The fun part of this shirt for me, was doing three colors of vinyl and doing some layering. And it worked 😀

I’m not a baseball fan, but I am a Royals fan. And for someone who’s not a sports nut, I’ve learned a thing or two from this team.

Things in our lives aren’t always easy, but here’s the great thing – we can choose to sit in the dug out or to pick up a bat and swing for the fences.

I’ve found I’m not very good at sitting in the dug out.

Link to saying:

If You’re Learning To:

What I’m figuring out through lots of trial and error, is that even with guides, placement and size can be affected by body shape and size. Traditional placement of things on a medium V-neck shirt I’m doing for myself don’t work. They’re too low. I’m learning it’s okay to tweak those guides. And because I’m learning this, I placed the saying on this shirt a little higher than suggested, but it works with my body and I’m happy with it. It could be my new favorite shirt…until tomorrow when I make another one 😉

Mediation Day Tomorrow

10 01 2018

Tomorrow is mediation.
We’re praying for a miracle.
There’s a small, small possibility bio mom will consent after mediation. This is our prayer.

This can be a very hard day for the bio parents. They’re discussing what the future looks like without their child.

Emotions can make us build walls and block possibilities. We have the option of going in and not bending. We can choose to have the attitude of “too bad so sad for you”.

But one of the things the Lord has been trying to teach me the last few years is that LOVE is usually the best course. Hate, insecurity, anger, a lack of empathy – NONE OF THESE will help our cause.

It is a negotiation time, but my child is not a car. These people are not questionable salesmen. They’re parents losing their child.

So although love, empathy, understanding, and generosity don’t condone their actions of the past, they can certainly open doors to the future.

Here’s to open doors.

I Want To Vinyl All the Things

10 01 2018

My husband bought me a heat press for Christmas and now it seems nothing is safe from me and the HTV 🙂

So tonight, I did a shirt and beanie for my youngest. For the most part, I like how they turned out, but I do think the words on the beanie would have looked better in white. But I was too worried about not being able to see the white as well.

Dang. May have to play some more 😉

I also wasn’t sure if the knit beanie would be okay in the heat press. I’m kind of going with the idea that if something doesn’t melt in the heat press, it’s fair game for HTV.

The knit beanie didn’t melt 😀

Here’s how they turned out.

Thanks for stopping by!


File for the shirt: I still live…