That Time We Printed Face Shields for Frontline Workers

30 03 2020

But to be fair – so are lots of other people. I just wanted my titles to match 😉
So. In a nutshell, I’m looking for ways to help. I’m sure you’ve heard about this little virus making such big waves, so I’m not going to go into that part.

I’m sure you’ve also heard about the shortages of PPE for the medical workers.

I’m not sure if you’ve heard about the different ways you can help though 🙂

If you sew, look for local groups making masks to be used for situations that are NOT CV-19 related, this will help them save the N95 masks. I found a local group on FB, maybe you can, too, if this is something you can help with.

I don’t sew. I’m convinced my sewing machine as gremlins infesting it.

BUT I do have a 3D printer. I just got into the 3D printing in December, so I’m still learning my way around it. But I was able to find a local FB group of other 3D printers who are working together to help meet the needs of our front line people. Right now, our focus is face shields. These help protect the masks that are in such high demand. It also helps keep the eyes protected. I think what we’ve seen, is people wearing these shields as an additional layer of protection over their goggles and masks.

Here’s what I printed the other night 😀


Here’s what they look like when assembled – I’m just printing the blue parts, assembly with the elastic and the clear shield is taking place somewhere else.No photo description available.

One of our recipients wearing one – our group is helping make sure smaller rural places with less resources are also being taken care of, as well as those who travel from place to place as part of their jobs.

Image may contain: 1 person, closeup and indoor
















A snippet from  a local health care system addressing the types of face shields we’re making: snippet – Not sure how to just have it right here where it’s easy, sorry guys 🙄

A news story about the group: news story

This story is less than a week old, I think. The group had 50 members that day, there are now 318 members 🙂


Now, all of this sounds great, and it’s an amazing way to help if you can, but here’s where we’re going to run into problems: filament supply.

The PETG and PLA filament used to print these parts is not on a priority list anywhere. Amazon will ship them, but it will take a month to get here – we probably don’t have a month to wait.

Ebay can send them, but those prices are higher, especially when you add in shipping. The shipping costs I’ve seen will almost cover the cost of another spool of filament, so this isn’t a good use of resources.

We can source some filament locally, and right now, most people printing these pieces, are donating the time and the filament. We’re using up personal stashes hoping we’ll have product available and money to purchase it when we need to. We’ll probably be venturing out in the next day or so to get more filament.

So, if you’re thinking, this is great and all, but I don’t sew, and I don’t have a 3D printer, but I still want to help, you’re in luck!

Here’s what you can do:

Donate filament directly to the group – filament can be purchased locally. If this is what you’d like to do, message me, I’ll tell you where to find it and who to get it to 🙂

Donate to the GoFundMe the group set up, this will help them buy and distribute the supplies to the people in the group. It takes roughly $3 to make these shields. A spool of filament can go quite a long way and costs $17-20 dollars depending on what you’re using or what’s available. With ONE 1kg spool of filament, we can make the pieces for roughly 25 face shields to send on for assembly.

IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF PPE you can fill out a request here. We want EVERYONE who needs this to have access to it.

If we don’t take care of our health care workers, who will take care of us when we get sick?

If you’re waiting for a call to arms; if you’ve been wondering how you can help…this is it. This is how.

#FaceShieldsForTheFrontlines #ThatTimeCraftersSavedTheWorld